Friday, December 18, 2009

Good Lawd

Hey ladies and gents. Bevcat here. Spencer and Anna are over, partying hard. We're having a Big Bang Theory marathon, something we do nearly every day. Drinking soda and tea. OH, the joys of city life. Meow meow meow.

Today I cleaned the microwave, a piece of machinary I don't even use. As a reward for the soul-breaking task, I bought myself a new lipstick. Crosswires by MAC. Orangey-pink. Foxy. I love makeup almost as much as I love SCIENCE. That statement is probably not true. Science > cosmetics, guys.

I'm eager for winter term to start. My schedule is perfect. GRAVITY WOULD HAVE BEEN APPARENT TO ME WITHOUT THE APPLE. Gosh I don't know why I'm blogging right now. I need to update this blog more often. I like it better than I like my tumblr.

"I look like a flamingo on Ritalin!"
Oh god it only gets better. Hold on. Need next episode.
Next episode is on. I hate sitcoms that are not Big Bang.

S and I have a dream of attending Columbia and being taught by Brian Green. That would be so fucking awesome. I hear knocking. Bye.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Thursday, December 17, 2009

AP Classes

I don't want to take anymore AP Classes.
I took way too many AP Classes.

In calculus class I learned about logarithms. You don't learn algebra until you take calculus.
In statistics class I learned that lies are truth. In history I learned who killed lincoln it was John Wilkes Booth.

I learned in Biology, all about taxonomy. God created you and me, in a primordial sea. Amino acids, cells and shit. God created all of it. Seven days then rest a bit. Load a bong and take a hit.

Now we're in college and we're paying for grades. I haven't been to classes in a couple of days. AP diplomat what do you think of that? Its pretty fuckin phat aieeeeeee.


when unix computers talk to each other,
the first one says "syn,"
the second says "ack."
then, again:
thus, a serial connection is established.
and it is good.


Monday, December 14, 2009

Dear Pondskum,

I am honored to be a part of you. I feel like our molecules are combining in a way more intimate than the act of procreation could ever be.

Today, two of our beautiful friends are visiting the Beverlair.

We have so much candy.

That is all.

Friday, December 11, 2009


This blog is hereby revived from the dead. Posted on the portland max.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Friday, October 23, 2009

the whole world stopped to hear you hollering

I want to run and play outside at night before it gets too cold. I took a long, late-night/early-morning walk a few days ago. It was lovely.

Against my better judgment, I've decided to stay up all night. Staying up all night is almost never a good decision, but as everyone knows, it is sometimes necessary. For most of the summer I was sleeping from around seven to noon every day. I thought it wasn't enough sleep, but it was five whole hours, and I was feeling pretty freaking good. If it had been affecting me in a negative way, I imagine I wouldn't have kept that sleep schedule for so long.

It looks like there won't be a manned trip to the moon in 2020, as was proposed. Hopefully we will have some manned missions landing SOMEWHERE by the early 2020's. Asteroids, comets, and even the Martian moons are all being considered as landing sites. I'm happy with whatever. I wish I could go on one of these missions. That would be so freaking cool. My fingers are crossed for people returning to space sometime soon. I BETTER SEE FUCKING AWESOME THINGS HAPPEN IN MY LIFETIME.


Sunday, October 11, 2009

Pandora Radio Rocks My World

If you don't listen to Pandora radio, probably because you prefer or your illegally downloaded library, you're missing out. You're missing out on String Quartet no. 3 "Mishima" from Philip Glass on Kronos Quartet, 25 Years: Retrospective.

What an amazing piece of music. I lack the musical vocabulary to explain how it goes. But it's definitely the kind of music that IBM or GE puts in their commercials while the camera pans over tons of scientists doing science.

Also you're missing out on the occasional advertisement. Tag body spray. The gist of which is: use a celebrity designed cologne to be unique. That perplexes me.

Later. Chemical Statistics calls to me.

Friday, October 9, 2009

"It's like the last Harry Potter book, but longer, and with path integrals!"
-S, on his Physical Chemistry book

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

One more time!

At the bottom of this post you will see that I used an application on my iPhone. Okay so I don't have an iphone. I have an iPod touch and this groovy application from the people at blogger. This app is pretty groovy because it lets me post from the iPod and interfaces with multiple blogs, and it even interfaces with my picassa photoalbum. But the only reason that I downloaded it in the first place is that the iPod touch's safari web browser wouldn't let me type text into the post field on blogger. Badapple!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Hello World

Monday, October 5, 2009


B here. For reasons I care not to explain, my blog partner and I have been forced to translate the entirety of our original blog into piglatin, and create a new blog.

This weekend I started reading Cosmos by Carl Sagan. It's awesome. In last night's chapter I became acquainted with Johannes Kepler, whom Sagan describes as "the first astrophysicist and the last scientific astrologer." In case you weren't sure, this translates to bad-ass. Also, as if you aren't already aware, he laid down the law for planetary motion. In the 17th century. Let me see y'all do that.

I would love to ramble about Kepler, and then move on to the scarily smart (and not very nice) Isaac Newton, but I won't. We'll save that for another day.

Tonight I was offered a free ticket to see The Horrors, a British garage rock band that I am rather fond of. They had awesome energy and put on a great show. They bring out the part of me that wants to dress in all black, all the time, have sweet rocker hair, and live in NYC in a slummy apartment. I'd prefer a nice apartment, but we all know slummy is all I'll be able toget in that city. It is so expensive. I will live there someday. Someday within the next five years. I need to get out of this quiet, half-city.

I need a hair cut so fucking bad. My hair looks so silly that I am forced to wear it up all the time, with all of that crazy side stuff falling out. Side hair. Hair hair. The fuck.

I have a geology lab bright and early at 2PM tomorrow, so I need to get some rest. Hopefully S will get his act together and post tomorrow. We'll see.
