Monday, October 5, 2009


B here. For reasons I care not to explain, my blog partner and I have been forced to translate the entirety of our original blog into piglatin, and create a new blog.

This weekend I started reading Cosmos by Carl Sagan. It's awesome. In last night's chapter I became acquainted with Johannes Kepler, whom Sagan describes as "the first astrophysicist and the last scientific astrologer." In case you weren't sure, this translates to bad-ass. Also, as if you aren't already aware, he laid down the law for planetary motion. In the 17th century. Let me see y'all do that.

I would love to ramble about Kepler, and then move on to the scarily smart (and not very nice) Isaac Newton, but I won't. We'll save that for another day.

Tonight I was offered a free ticket to see The Horrors, a British garage rock band that I am rather fond of. They had awesome energy and put on a great show. They bring out the part of me that wants to dress in all black, all the time, have sweet rocker hair, and live in NYC in a slummy apartment. I'd prefer a nice apartment, but we all know slummy is all I'll be able toget in that city. It is so expensive. I will live there someday. Someday within the next five years. I need to get out of this quiet, half-city.

I need a hair cut so fucking bad. My hair looks so silly that I am forced to wear it up all the time, with all of that crazy side stuff falling out. Side hair. Hair hair. The fuck.

I have a geology lab bright and early at 2PM tomorrow, so I need to get some rest. Hopefully S will get his act together and post tomorrow. We'll see.


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